The Catholic Man Show - Dignity and Vocation of Women
MULIERIS DIGNITATEM: APOSTOLIC LETTER OF ST. JOHN PAUL II ON THE DIGNITY AND VOCATION OF WOMEN About our drink: Tupps Brewery – Stout About our gear: N/A Our topic: The dignity and vocation of women. A subject of constant human and Christian reflection – have gained exceptional prominence in recent years. This can be seen, for example, in the statements of the Church’s Magisterium present in various documents of the Second Vatican Council, which declares in its Closing Message: “The hour is coming, in fact has come, when the vocation of women is being acknowledged in its fullness, the hour in which women acquire in the world an influence, an effect and a power never hitherto achieved. That is why, at his moment when the human race is undergoing so deep a transformation, women imbued with a spirit of the Gospel can do so much to aid humanity in not falling” Read the full Apostolic Letter here About Our Guest: Dr. Myers comes is well-formed in th...