The Catholic Man Show - Auxilium Christianorum

Auxilium Christianorum – A prayer for men

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About our drink:

Oppidan Smoke + Sea is a combination of their 4 Grain Straight Bourbon and Solera Aged Bourbon mash bills, finished in French oak and peated Islay scotch barrels. The French oak adds structure and dark fruit notes while the Islay casks add a layer of smoke, earth, and sea to the already malty and chocolaty bourbon. Bourbon on the nose and front palette with a briny and peaty finish. Because this was batch number 2, we know that the whiskey was placed in either Ardbeg or Laphroaig barrels!

About the gear:

Although the first cufflinks appeared in the 1600s, they did not become common until the end of the 18th century. Their development is closely related to that of the men’s shirt. Men have been wearing shirt-like items of clothing since the invention of woven fabric 5,000 years BC. Although styles and methods of manufacturing changed, the underlying form remained the same: a tunic opened to the front with sleeves and collar.
By the middle of the 19th century the modern cufflink became popular. The shirt front, as well as collar and cuffs covering areas of the most wear, were made sturdier. This was practical but when clean and starched, collars and cuffs underscored the formal character of the clothing. However, they could be too stiff to secure the cuffs with a simple button. As a consequence, from the mid 19th century onward men in the middle and upper classes wore cufflinks. The industrial revolution meant that these could be mass-produced, making them available in every price category.
Check out Our Lady’s Armory for some custom Catholic cufflinks! Use code “TCMS15” for 15% off all products with no minimum order!

About our topic:

Auxilium Christianorum has 2 principal aims of the association: 1) To provide prayer for priests associated with Auxilium Christianorum so that their apostolate in driving out demons is efficacious. 2) To provide prayers for the members – priests, laity, family and friends – so that they are not adversely affected by the demonic.

About the Auxilium Christianorum:

The Church teaches us that it is divided into the Church Triumphant (which includes the members of the Church in heaven), the Church Suffering (this includes the members of the Church in purgatory), and the Church Militant (this refers to those members of the Church who are alive in this world). Because we are part of the Church Militant, we are in a spiritual warfare and this spiritual warfare requires that we recognize, as Saint Paul teaches us “For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)
The members of the Auxilium Christianorum should always bear in mind the reality of our state as members of the Church living in this world. Despite St. Paul’s teaching, many Catholics do not take seriously their obligation to wage war against the demonic forces. It is, for this reason, the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum was founded.
Drinking: Oppidan Smoke + Sea
Gear: Cufflinks
Discussing the Auxilium Christianorum prayer
If this is your first time listening to The Catholic Man Show, we do 3 things almost every episode:
1.) Open, review, and enjoy a man beverage – Minutes 1-12.
2.) Highlight a man gear – Minutes 12-24.
3.) Have a manly conversation – Minutes 24-48.
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