The Catholic Man Show - Responsibility, Competence, Integrity, and Living for others

We received an email asking us what it means to be a Catholic man. Let’s discuss

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A special thanks to Robert Dalton for donating this week’s beverage!

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What does it mean to be a Catholic man?
We start with:
  1. Priest
  2. Prophet
  3. King
Then we talk about 4 characteristics that men should have that our friend David Williams talked to us about which are:
  1. Responsibility
  2. Competence
  3. Integrity
  4. Living for others

About our drink: High West Rye Whiskey

How to Enjoy

Yippee Ki-Yay shows best at room temp, neat. With a little time in the glass sitting idle (just a few minutes) the bouquet really opens up to it’s full potential

The Name

Where did “Yippee Ki-Yay” come from? Is it a real expression of joy popular with cowboys in the 19th century Western United States? Is it part of the greatest one liner in movie history? Was it influenced by the phrase ‘Yippie-yi-yo-ki-yay’ from the 1936 hit song “I’m an Old Cow Hand from the Rio Grande” about a 20th-century cowboy who has little in common with cowpunchers of old and sung by Bing Crosby in the film “Rhythm on the Range” (also sung later by Roy Rogers and Frank Sinatra) and considered one of the Top 100 Western songs of all time? We’re not sure. But we are sure we like how we feel when we say it… and recommend you use it every chance you get.

Back Label Story

We confess…we didn’t coin the term “Yippee Ki-Yay”. Moreover, we didn’t paint the picture on the front label. It’s an historic poster (Gift of The Coe Foundation and Henry B. Balink) now at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West in Cody, Wyoming (, you really ought to visit). Furthermore, we didn’t distill the whiskeys in this bottle – it’s our Double Rye! However, we did come up with a combination that we think will make you say…Yippee Ki-Yay drinkers of horrible tasting cheap flavored uisge beatha! One day, just for fun, we put Double Rye! into oak barrels that had originally been used to age two different types of wine and discovered an all-natural, not disgustingly-sweet sipper for the rest of us.

About the gear: N/A

About our topic: Being a Catholic Man


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