The Catholic Man Show - Fitness and Virtue with Pat Flynn

Fitness and Virtue with Pat Flynn – Episode 1

God didn’t just create us as spirits and then shackle us with bodies. As Catholics, we believe that the body and soul are intimately woven together, so it’s important that we work on both.

Our friend Pat Flynn has written and spoken a lot on the virtues of fitness. He also has written several books, including an Amazon #1 seller: Introduction to Kettlebells: A Minimalist’s Guide to Blasting Fat and Boosting Muscle. A writer, entrepreneur, and “re-converted” Catholic, Pat focuses his efforts on helping others find happiness and wholeness through fitness, philosophy, and faith. And now we’re teaming up with him to host a patron-exclusive class on Fitness and Virtue!

Throughout this course, Pat will discuss the role physical fitness plays in our lives and offer key insights on how to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle—and how to avoid the spiritual pitfalls of vanity and self-absorption.

And, no, we didn’t bring Pat in to preach to a choir of Catholic gym-rats. This program is for all our listeners, regardless of your fitness level. If you’re celebrating the extra steps when you walk down the driveway to take out the trash… you’ll be inspired by Pat’s course. If you’re looking to turn that 6-pack into an 8-pack, this course can help you summit that mountain too. We encourage all of our patrons to take us up on this exclusive content!

Interested? Well listen to this first episode for free and then join us over on Patreon for access to the whole course!

We’ll be making this study available for free to patrons of our show who contribute $10+ per month. As a member of the Council of Man, you’ll also unlock exclusive benefits like monthly zoom calls, free merch, and extra content!


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