The Catholci Man Show - Preparing you and your family for Holy Mass

Easy like Sunday morning? I don’t think so. This week we discuss ways to better prepare you and your family for Holy Mass.

About our drink:

Caribou Crossing

Caribou Crossing holds the distinction of being the world’s first single barrel Canadian whisky. Made from the finest sampling of our master collection of 200,000 barrels of whisky and designed to reinvent the Canadian whisky category.

About our gear:

Drop cloths

drop cloth is a sheet of material used by painters to protect floors and furniture from the drips and drabs that can trickle down from above. If you have a paintbrush in one hand and a paint can in the other, there should always be a drop cloth underneath you. That’s one of the cardinal rules of painting. But you can do more with a drop cloth than just prevent paint from getting everywhere – let’s discuss.

About the Topic:

How to prepare you and your family for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass:

1. Arrive early

a.       If you aren’t early, you’re late

b.      Sundays can be stressful, you need time to decompress

2.       Silence

a.       Must be practiced for children and adults

b.      Especially the minutes before Mass

c.       If you want to take your preparation to the next level then try to adopt a mantra of silence beginning when you rise on Sunday until after Holy Mass

                                                               i.      “The person who talks constantly grows empty, and his emptiness is not only momentary… Only the word that emerges from silence is substantial and powerful.” Romano Guardini – Meditations Before Mass

3.       Composure

a.       Silence (at least interior) is a prerequisite for composure, but composure is one step beyond silence

                                                               i.      Silence overcomes noise, composure overcomes distractions

                                                             ii.      Composure is a silence that penetrates our interior

                                                            iii.      Composure is what allows us to be present

1.       “Once composure has been established, the liturgy is possible.  Not before.”

b.      This is why we need to arrive early, so we have time to compose ourselves

                                                               i.      When you arrive honestly confront your restlessness, distractions, and disorder

4.       Prepare your gifts for the altar

a.       Our tithe should not be given as if we are paying a bill

b.      “When we place the money in the basket, let it be with reverence to God and with charity to all.” RG

c.       Our gift should be a true sacrifice

5.       Know the readings

a.       Can help overcome distractions during Mass: kids

b.      Meditate on them before Mass.

c.       Read the readings every day.  Gives deeper perspective and insight into the narrative

6.       Have a prayer intention for the Mass

a.       Helps me invest myself emotionally into the liturgy

b.      A Mass without an intention is a wasted oportunity



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